Target Intentional Classroom Success: 3 Strategies For Effective IEP Modifications

Do you have a clear understanding of what an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) modification is? In the world of special

education, there is so much to know. Modification is a change. You know how important it is to make changes in the classroom

that support your students learning needs. Modifications happen in real time not over a period of time. Students with special needs

may require several modifications to be made to support their learning in the classroom at any time. Modifications impact teaching

and learning. Because modifications meet your students where they are at. Stick around to learn more about three strategies for

effective IEP modifications and three tips you can use right now.

What Are Modifications

In order to understand modification, you need to understand your student needs. Modifications are important tools to support your

students’ diverse needs. These adjustments should be integrated into your curriculum and instruction. From giving your students

picture-based assignments to simplifying tasks; modifications ensure each of your students have access and stay engaged. Imagine

your student with dyslexia who is struggling to keep up with the reading assignments. Modifications make it possible; if you, the

teacher provides them with audio recordings of texts or offer alternative assessments, such as oral presentations, to accommodate

her needs.

1. Modifications For Learning Styles

You know that each of your students come to you with various learning styles. A learning style is the kind of learning that works

best for your student. A student may be an auditory learner and learns best by listening while another student may be a kinesthetic-

tactile learner and learns best hand-on. To teach effectively, you have to recognize and accommodate the diverse learning styles of

your students. Modifications let you adapt the instruction to suit the unique needs of your students. You must embrace various

teaching strategies and resources. You must create an inclusive learning environment where each of your  students has an

opportunity to grow. Think about when your students entered the class, each student came with different levels of mathematical

skills. Modifications allow you to incorporate math manipulatives, different math tools, or even board games to support your

students’ learning style.

2. Modifications Ensure Equity

Equity in education goes beyond treating your students equally. It means providing each of your students with what they need to

be successful. Modifications play an important role in promoting equity by addressing barriers to learning and making sure that

your students receives the support they need to reach their full potential. You may have students with attention deficit/

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who may struggle to stay focused. With the IEP modifications you put in place, you may provide

shorter lessons and lesson activities to your students.

3. Modifications Foster Engagement

In order to foster engagement, you have to be intentional in creating an environment that is engaging to your learners. Engagement

should be at the center of your teaching and learning. By incorporating modifications, you can foster more student engagement by

removing the barriers that hinder your students from participating and ensuring that they all feel valued and included in the

learning process. Imagine having students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who experiences sensory sensitivities in an

overcrowded classroom. You may create sensory-friendly materials where your students can retreat to a quiet corner

when they feel overwhelmed in order to promote a more comfortable and conducive learning environment.

Final Thoughts

IEP Modifications can be adjusted according to the curriculum and instruction that best meets the diverse needs of your students. 

You; the teacher, must understand those needs in order to implement modifications effectively. You can create an inclusive

classroom where every student has the opportunity to engage and be success. You should adopt a flexible, creative, and student-

centered approach when you integrate those IEP modifications. Resources like the Iris Center can provide additional suggestions for 

 your students be successful in the classroom

Here Are Three Tips To Keep In Mind:

  • Get to know your students’ individual needs and learning styles.


  • Collaborate with special education providers and parents to develop and introduce effective IEP modifications.


  • Continue to assess and adjust IEP modifications based on your students’ progress and feedback.