Achieving Ultimate Academic Success: 6 Reasons Accommodations Are Essential For Students

Learning should be tailored for each students in your class who has an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). This means meeting 

each of your students’ needs where they are at. The IEP serves as a guide for how to go about implementing a plan for learning. 

Your student’s learning experience should involve tools to implement optimal accommodations. Stick around to learn more about 

the six reasons accommodations are essential for students and three tips you can use right now.

1. Accommodations Creates Access

Accommodations on an IEP give your students access. The personalized adjustments  make learning enjoyable by providing 

unique strategies. Accommodations level the playing field for students with diverse learning needs. Some accommodations

include extended time on tests to preferential seating, the options vary (refer to the infographic chart above).

=2. Accommodations Bridges Gaps

Accommodations on an IEP Matters. Accommodations get to the heart of things because inclusive learning should be made 

simple. Your student cannot excel in an environment that does not cater to their specific needs. It is like running a marathon with 

shoes that do not fit! Accommodations bridge the gap, ensuring that your student has a chance at success. They empower your

students to showcase their abilities, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

3. Accommodations Break Barriers

You must break down barriers with the. use of accommodations. If you have a student who is nonverbal, communication may be 

difficult  for them without the right accommodation. However, with an assistive technology device as an accommodation, your

student will learn to communicate with support. Having an accommodation will help to breaks down those barriers with

communication and allows your student to thrive and embrace their unique learning styles.

4. Accommodations Build Bonds

Involving the parents of your students through collaboration is important. When you and the parents can come together, it makes

the process of selecting the right accommodations for your student so much more effective. Collaborating with parents ensures 

that the accommodations are tailored to your student’s needs. This collaborative effort creates a support network that is best suited 

for your student academic growth. Regular communication and feedback between you and the parents builds a bond so your 

students’ journey is more cohesive because it opens up the full potential for them.

5. Accommodations Ensures Success

Creating strategies for every student in your class in the roadmap of accommodations is key. Accommodation such as providing 

extra time, using visual aids, or incorporating multisensory approaches ensure that each of your students is not just assigned but 

have been selected because you understand what your student needs and it has been hand-crafted for your student to be successful.

6. Accommodations Impact Learning

Establishing accommodations for your students can create a  ripple effect. This ripple effect not only will have an impact on your 

student, but on the school community. Because accommodations make learning inclusive. In an inclusive learning community, 

there has to be empathy, understanding, and acceptance. Let’s be clear some school communities have not or do not always 

embraced differences. However, every effort must be made to change the narrative; restructuring the  landscape so your students 

learns to value the educational experiences of others.

Final Thoughts

Seeing how your students embrace and overcome challenges so rewarding. Accommodations open the door by accepting every 

students’ differences and forges a pathway to bridging the gaps. These educational wins for students leads to achievement and 

success. So be sure to let the roadmap serve as the tool you need to implement optimal accommodations that when executed 

enhance and compliment your students learning experience. Resources like the Iris Center can provide additional suggestions for 

your students be successful in the classroom

Here Are Three Tips To Keep In Mind:

·                                  Familiarize Yourself with the IEP – Take the time to really review each of your student’s IEP and become familiar with 

               their specific accommodations to help you implement instructional strategies and create  a classroom environment to meet


              their needs.

·                           Regularly Monitor And Adjust Accommodations What works for one student may not work for another so monitor

            accommodations by regularly by assessing your students’ progress and gather feedback from special education service

            providers, other teachers, and parents to individualize and adjust accommodations based on their learning.

·                        Promote Student Independence – Accommodations not only support students, but encourage independence. When you teach

            your students how to use their accommodations by provide opportunities for them to practice using them in various settings

           and to communicate their needs confidently, you empower them to take ownership of their learning.


        Related Post: 3 Strategies For Effective IEP Modifications