Self-Sufficiency To Student Success: 5 Tips For Building Life Skills And Independence

When you think about life skills, it is not hard for you to recall those things you do on a daily basis to maintain the life you lead. These 

daily activities  are probably automatic to your since you have been doing them for so long. You  pretty much learn the life skills you

needed to achieve to have the independence that you have today. Those life skills you currently have were more than likely learned

through daily practices. When you think about your students, especially those with special needs; you should think about how you can

help them to build independent. How can you help your students to develop life skills they can do with confidence? Focusing on

providing your students with opportunities to practice life skills can be transforming. Helping your students to create daily routines

means you may bring the real world into your classroom or your students going out into the real-world community to practice. It is

important for you to establish a consistent routine of activities that can empower your students to navigate daily life skills with ease so

they can become automatic. Stick around to learn more about five tips for building life skills and independence and three tips you can

use right now.

1. Time Management


Managing time can involve teaching your students how to understand time and how to read a time on a clock. Your students can

benefit from maintaining a daily schedule. A daily schedule of time related tasks to complete or locations to be can show your students

how to prepare and plan for having a job or running regular errands like grocery shopping.Having a clear understanding of time is

important in making and keeping appointments as well. It is important that your students to understand time and how time management

works when it is connected to the real world and being independent.

2. Practice Organization 


Teaching your students how to be organize will help to promote independences. Being able to maintain their daily household living

environment means your students are continuously practicing cleaning and maintaining good habits for keeping their materials and their

space neat and organized. Practicing good habits can make your students more assured while building their confidence that they are

capable of taking care of themselves. Learning to organize different aspects of their life such as when to go to work, run errands, clean

the house, or other skills can bring balance where your students can establish familiar routines they can use for a lifetime.

3. Money Management 


Learning about money management is important. When it come to money your students need to understand the differences between

coins and dollar bills. Taking the time to teach the value of money should be a lesson to highlight. Getting help to set up a bank account

should build your students’ understanding of how money is saved and how money is spent. Learning how to use a debit card or pay a

bills can provide students with regular opportunities to learn about being responsible with money.While shopping trips to a store in real

life or using interactive simulations in which your students are making purchases of produces, goods, or services is essential to them

learning about financial literacy and what it takes to care for themselves.

4. Job Training


Job training is a life skill that guides your students into learning what their interest are and what they may enjoy doing. Training for a

job can bring an awareness of what skills are needed to do work or a particular job. Connecting your students with a job will help

 them to make the connection that work is what will help them to make a living.Working in different fields or having different jobs can

help your students can narrow down the job selection process. On-site training or assigning jobs for your students to do in the classroom

can give them plenty of opportunities to build their skills in preparation for maintaining a job and understanding the duties and

responsibilities of a particular job.

5. Hygiene Practice 


Establishing good hygiene practices daily are critical. Students must understand the importance of taking care of their body. This self 

care is how your students maintain their well-being. Developing this skill is necessary to promote healthy habits. You need to teach your

students the importance of getting ready for the day each morning. Your students must focus on establish their own hygiene schedule

involving bathing or showering regularly, taking care of other essential needs, deciding on what produces to use, what clothing and

shoes to wear, and how to incorporate these grooming practices into a care routine that can be manage independently with little to no


Final Thoughts


Life skills provides your students with valuable lessons for a lifetime. Focusing on these life skills can boost confidences while helping

your students establish practical routines. Caring for oneself will helps students establish healthy habits that promote well-being. You

can start by developing a curriculum or training that focuses on providing opportunities to practice skills that can not only become

automatic, but help your students to establish routines that will be build their independence. Opportunities for your student to go out

into the real-world community or participate in real-life simulations in the classroom can empower them to navigate daily life activities

with ease.

Here Are Three Tips To Keep In Mind:

·     Create Individualized Learning Plans – Focus on your students specific strengths, needs, and goals related to life skills and independence for the student.

·     Promote Self-Determination – Empower your students to become active participants in their own learning and decision-making processes.

·     Use Real-Life Experiences and Hands-On Activities – Plan cooking classes, budgeting exercises or field trips to community settings such as grocery stores, banks, public transportation stations for your students.