Real Life Empowers Education: The Top 5 Benefits Of A Classroom Store For Students With Special Needs

It is time to add some fun and motivation to your classroom! Have you ever asked yourself, how do I start a classroom store? A 

classroom store is a whole new world of learning and engagement that can be open to your students. A classroom store can 

provide life skill opportunities for students with special needs. Stick around to learn more about the top five benefits of a

classroom store for students with special needs and three tips you can use right now.

1. Classroom Store

A classroom stores has so many benefits. Have you ever seen your students get excited at the mention of a store? With a store, you 

would be bringing that excitement into your classroom. A classroom store is not just about buying and selling wonderful items, it 

is an excellent tool that promotes financial literacy, decision-making skills, and a sense of responsibility. It is where your students 

will learn to connect with real-world application. It is an inclusive adventure into learning.

2. Store Purpose

Why should you consider having a classroom store? First, your students would absolutely love it! A classroom store serves as a 

great incentive system. The store becomes the reward spot (must like the Target Dollar Spot for teachers). The spot would be 

utilized to reward good behavior, excellent grades, and active participation. It is a tangible way to show students the direct 

connection between effort and reward.

3. Store Implementation

How to implement a classroom store? Starting a classroom store may sound overwhelming, but it is not as difficult as you might 

think. Get started by setting clear guidelines for earning store currency. For example, it can be earned through participating in 

class, completed assignments, or exemplary behavior. Designate a physical space in your classroom to showcase the store items, 

making it easily accessible and visually appealing. Be sure to decide what kind of currency you will use.

4. Store Supplies

How do I get stuff for my classroom? What is a store without some great items for your students to buy, right? When you begin to 

stock your classroom store, look for a variety of items that will interest the group of students in your classroom. Some examples 

of items to have in your classroom store are pencils, coloring sheets, stickers, notebooks, and posters from the pictures in a 

monthly calendars. The options are endless. It is up to you, if you want to bring in food such as fruit snack, chips, or juice box 

drinks for purchase. Of course, what is a classroom store without a few high end price tag items that make your students want to 

save for them. The key is to make sure the items are of interest and they are meaningful for your students.

5. Store Incentives

How do you keep the momentum going? Introducing special incentives items to your students will keep them excited about your 

classroom store. Open the classroom store weekly or monthly. Make your students aware of store days so they have time to work 

to earn those items they are interested in. Throw in exclusive privileges like a homework pass or being the teacher’s helper for the 

day, to motivate your students. These incentives will also reinforce positive behavior.

Final Thoughts

If you are considering opening up a classroom store; reflect on the impact you want your store to make. Once you begin to open

your classroom store, take a moment to reflect on the positive changes you observe. A classroom store can provide life skill

opportunities for students with special needs such as financial literacy. You will notice improved engagement, greater

collaboration, and a new sense of responsibility among your students. A classroom store is not just a store; it can be the catalyst for

a positive and empowering learning environment.

Here Are Three Tips To Keep In Mind:


·      Establish A System – To track where each students’ earnings and what they are spending.


·      Provide Lessons – In budgeting as well as how to save money.


·      Students Involvement – Designate a student as a store manager; be sure to rotate the position.